For years now, our very popular school has been capped with an ‘Admissions Number’ of 80 and ‘Enrolment Number’ of 440. We have sought to get an increase in these respective numbers on various occasions but have met with resistance from our employing authority, CCMS who have yet to acknowledge us as a growing post primary school at the heart of its community. We continue to be oversubscribed by nearly 50% annually for Year 8 places, and this coming September will see a pupil population of 670 (approx.). The Department of Education did identify us a school which has to continually seek temporary variations to enable us to meet the demand for places in the college and its recent pilot exercise gave us some hope of getting the capped numbers increased to 100 and 600, which would be more indicative of present numbers. Unfortunately, CCMS did not again support such an increase, stating that one of the reasons being, the availability of places in another school, eleven miles away. Knowing you as stakeholders, I doubt you would entertain such a notion. As a thriving post-primary school, the time has come for us now to embark on a campaign to seek an ‘Admissions Number’ and ‘Enrolment Number’ that truly reflects our current pupil numbers.
Thanking you as always for your on-going support and for the overwhelming confidence you have in us a s a rural post-primary community school.
Yours sincerely,
James Warnock