On Monday 24th June we celebrated the achievements of our KS3 pupils at our annual Junior Prizegiving Ceremony. Guest speaker for the event was past pupil Grace Conneely. Grace qualified as a pharmacist and is now working in Antrim Area Hospital. Those in attendance were delighted to hear of her time at school and her career pathway.
Pupils were rewarded for their effort and achievement in their subjects and through extra- curricular activities along with excellent attendance. For the Year 10 pupils this marked the end of Junior school as they now prepare to enter KS4 and their GCSE pathways.
Congratulations to Year 10 pupils, Grace McCullagh who was awarded the Hugh Rafferty Memorial Cup, Áine Mullan who received the KS3 Achievement Award. Most Endeavour award went to Cara Harte and the Joseph McKernan Cup was received by Marcus Conway.