Acquisition of mathematical skills commonly referred to as numeracy is vital to the life opportunities and achievements of our young people. Research shows that problems with numeracy have a continuing adverse effect on people’s lives and that without at least a GCSE Grade C pass in Mathematics young people are left at a disadvantage in both the education and labour markets.
The training received through the study of mathematics provides our students with skills that are highly valued and sought after. Mathematics is important in its ability to develop pupils’ thinking skills – logically, precisely and creatively; reasoning and problem-solving skills.
Mathematics is of central importance to modern society and leaving school with a good qualification in mathematics will give pupils the competitive edge they will need for high paying jobs.
GCSE results in 2017 were excellent with 86.1% of those entered at GCSE level achieving A* – C.
This is a two-year course studied during Years 11 and 12. The specification has two tiers: Foundation and Higher. Each tier offers students a choice of units suited to a range of abilities, allowing them to demonstrate achievement. Students also have the opportunity to gain a recognition of achievement in Functional Mathematics.
The specification has eight units. Students take 2 units, one from M1, M2, M3, M4 and one from M5, M6, M7, M8.
Subject content comprises Number and Algebra; Geometry and Measures; Statistics and Probability.
Questions will require students to use problem-solving strategies.
*Students who achieve Grade A at Higher level will be eligible to continue their study of mathematics to ‘A’- level.
Those pupils unlikely to achieve higher than Grade E at GCSE Level may also study Essential Skills ‘Application of Number’ at Levels 1 and/or 2. This would allow more opportunity for achievement, enabling continuity of study post-KS4. It provides pupils with the subject knowledge, skills and understanding needed in the world of work. It aims to motivate pupils and to help develop their confidence to use Maths successfully to tackle problems in the workplace and in everyday life.
The skills you will learn while studying GCSE, AS level and A-level Maths are useful in a wide range of jobs, some that, at a first glance, seem to have little to do with maths. Most employers require a GCSE pass at Grade C or above in Maths. You will also need GCSE Maths at Grade C or above to apply for many Further and Higher Education courses.