Key Stage 3 Geography

The study of Geography is about developing pupils understanding of the world around them both locally and globally. It helps pupils explore complex relationships and the interaction of man with his environment in a fun and interesting way. This is especially relevant in todays’ rapidly changing world. Geography is about helping all pupils prepare for life and work and equip them with the transferrable skills needed to succeed.

Throughout KS3 pupils have opportunities to develop their Geographical skills and knowledge through map work, enquiry based projects, fieldwork and Thinking Skills and Personal Capabilities.

Year 8

What is Geography all about?

Where in the World?

Mapwork Skills

Investigating Our Weather

Investigating Our Settlements

Year 9

Investigating Rivers

The flooding issue

The World of Work

The Restless Earth


Investigating Coastal Environments

The Population Issue

Our Changing Weather

The Unequal World

Resources and Energy