April 11, 2018 by iebsoftware
Key Stage 4 Curriculum
The “Entitlement Framework” has resulted in the offering of both academic and vocational subjects at Key Stage 4 and to enable pupils to make informed choices for this Key Stage, the following procedures are followed in Year 10:
- All pupils are given guidance and information on making choices through LLW/Employability classes.
- Subject specialists speak to students about what is involved in each GCSE subject and career pathways.
- All Year 10 pupils receive a class talk from the School’s Careers Officer which is followed up by further career guidance to individuals and small groups of Year 10s.
- A “Subject Choice” booklet with all the relevant information is given to pupils to take home and discuss with parents.
- A” Careers Information Event” where,
- The school’s Careers Officer gives a presentation re: Labour Market Information
- Subject teachers of new subjects offered at GCSE give relevant information to pupils.
- Speakers from industry/STEM careers areas give a presentation and facilitate a question and answer session.
- Mrs Nixon Head of Careers informs pupils of the choice of “Pathways” available at KS4
- A “Careers Information Afternoon” where,
- Year 10 pupils and parents are invited to attend to further discuss KS4 options and “Pathways”
- Parents and pupils have the opportunity to consult with the Careers co-ordinator, Senco, Careers Officer, a representative from the South West College, Omagh and subject teachers about relevant courses.
- Pupils have the opportunity to attend a“taste and see” event in South West College Omagh to try Occupational Studies courses.
- The parents of statemented pupils in Years10-14 are invited to attend a transition plan meeting for their child. This meeting gives them the opportunity to meet with the SENCO, Careers Advisor and Transitions co-ordinator in order to plan appropriately for the next stage of their child’s education. A detailed transition plan is drawn up as a result and submitted to the education board.
- Students are advised to consider the following factors when making their choices:
- Subjects necessary for intended career.
- Subjects in which they have a particular expertise.
- Subjects they prefer.
- Principal, Curriculum Co-ordinator, Careers teacher and SENCO meet with pupils and parents to discuss vocational courses.
This has given way to pupils on entry to Year 11 being divided into 3 groups with all of them taking G.C.S.E. Mathematics, (some pupils may alternatively follow Essential Skills in Application of Number and Communication.) LLW (some pupils may alternatively follow The Prince’s Trust Achieve programme), English and Science (Single or Double Award) and following a common core of Physical Education, Religious Education and Careers Education.
Essential Skills are followed by pupils according to their curricular needs. Each of the GCSE subjects is allocated 2.5 – 3 hours on the timetable with Additional Science being time-tabled for 6 hours.
English Literature is timetabled as a ”twilight” course for 1 hour for both Year 11 and Year 12.
Irish and Music are timetabled as a ”twilight” course for 1 hour for Year 11.
The first group follows a complete academic programme (Pathway 1) which entails studying 8,9 or 10 G.C.S.E. subjects and as well as doing the core subjects.
They then take
Three subjects from:
Art, Applied Business Studies, Child Development, Drama, Geography, History,
Health &Social Care, Home Economics, ICT, Irish, French, Motor Vehicle Studies, Music, PE, Technology( Product Design )
English Literature is studied with English Language by our most able students of English.
The second group of pupils undertake 7 G.C.S.E. subjects:
Three core subjects, Religion, LLW and 2 optional subjects (Pathway2)
This group also attend South West College, Omagh one day per week to study towards a Level2 Occupational Studies qualification (Distinction-Pass) or a BTEC Level2 Extended.
The Occupational Studies courses on offer are grouped as follows
- Business and Services
- Construction
- Design and Creativity
- Engineering and Engineering services
- Environment and Society
- Technology and Innovation
The qualification grading for the Occupational Studies and BTEC Level2 Extended course are aligned to G.C.S.E. grades.eg a Level2 Distinction*is aligned to a G.C.S.E. A*
BTEC courses on offer are
- Agriculture
- Children’s Care and Learning Development (First Certificate)
- Construction
- Engineering
- Hospitality and Catering
The third group of pupils spend 3 days per week and undertake the following:
- Essential Skills Communication and Number
- Level 1/2 OCR Nationals ICT
- Prince’s Trust Achieve programme
- Entry Level Qualification in Religion
- Level1/2 OCR Creative i Media.
They attend South West College, Omagh one day per week to study for one of the Level2 Occupational Studies qualifications as outlined for the pupils in Group 2
On the fifth day they complement their vocational training with a relevant work experience programme. (Pathway3)