Our school prayer
God our father,
you call each of us by name,
and you treasure each of us individually
as though no one else exists.
Inspire us
to respect and value by work and deed,
each person who comes into our lives this day.
Our school motto
Proficens Sapientia et Gratia – Growth in Wisdom and Grace
Dean Brian McGurk
Dean Brian McGurk was born in the heartland of Carrickmore, in the townland of Augnagreggan in 1622. His father was eireannach or stewart of the Church lands in the parish of Termonmaguirk.
Brian was ordained to the priesthood in 1660 and for the first 12 years of ministry he served in his own parish and the local surrounding parishes.
At this time St. Oliver Plunkett was Archbishop of Armagh and he appointed Brian as vicar General. Like St. Oliver, he hunted for his faith and had to serve mass in secret. Brian was arrested a number of times but finally in his 90th year he was taken to Armagh Gaol where he died after a few months, in his 91st year.
He is commemorated in an imposing memorial cross in the grounds of St. Colmcille’s Church and we are proud to say that the college here in Carrickmore honours his name.