Winning House Captains 2017
The school operates a House System aiming to increase motivation, promote a sense of responsibility and participation and to provide a focus for leadership development among the pupils. At the start of Year 8 all pupils are divided into one of four Houses (Canice’s, Davog’s, Finbarr’s and Tiernach’s) and they remain in that house throughout their time at the ‘Dean’.
Every year a boy and girl in each year group are elected as House Captains for their particular House. Their role is to liase with teacher leaders and pupils in their House in the organisation and promotion of House Activities, Sports Day etc.
House Activities are organised throughout the school year giving pupils the opportunity to compete as a team and to build up relationships with fellow pupils.
Our aim in this school is to promote positive achievement and each week teachers award house points to individual pupils. Pupils with high house point scores are awarded for their efforts during the year and a House Trip is organised at the end of the school year for top scorers in the House system, all house captains, prefects, Student Council members and other deserving pupils. This has always been a successful and enjoyable day out for both pupils and staff.
Teachers will use the following criteria to award house points to individual pupils:
Pupils can also earn points for their house by participating in group activities such as House Activities and Teams sports during Sport’s Day.